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Call For Submissions

ISMIR 2004 solicits original contributions in the following domains and topics, as they apply to music information retrieval (this is a non-exclusive list):

  1. Computational methods for classification, clustering, and modelling
    1. Musical feature extraction (mono- and polyphonic music)
    2. Similarity and pattern matching
    3. Retrieval
  2. Formal methods and databases
    1. Applications of automated music identification and recognition, such as score following, automatic accompaniment
    2. Routing and filtering for music and music queries
    3. Query languages (expressiveness, complexity)
    4. Standards (RDF, XML, INDECS, MPEG, Dublin Core, *MARC, Z39.50...) and other metadata or protocols for music information handling and retrieval (CDDB, ...)
    5. Multi-agent systems, distributed search
  3. Web software for music information retrieval
    1. Semantic Web and musical digital objects
    2. Intelligent agents
    3. Collaborative software
    4. Webbased search and retrieval
  4. Human-computer interaction and interfaces
    1. Multi-modal interfaces (audio, text, gesture...)
    2. User interfaces and usability
    3. Mobile applications
    4. User behaviour
  5. Music perception, cognition, affect, and emotions
    1. Music similarity metrics
    2. Syntactical parameters (pitch, rhythm, timbre, texture,...)
    3. Semantic parameters (aesthetic, emotional appreciation)
    4. Musical forms, structures, styles and genres
    5. Music annotation methodologies
  6. Music analysis and knowledge representation
    1. Automatic summarization, citing, excerpting, downgrading, transformation
    2. Formal models of music, digital scores and representations
    3. Music indexing and metadata (authoring and generation)
  7. Music archives, libraries, and digital collections
    1. Music digital libraries
    2. Public access to musical archives
    3. Benchmarks and research databases
  8. Intellectual property rights and music
    1. National and international intellectual property right issues
    2. Digital rights management
    3. Identification and traceability
  9. Sociology and Economy of music
    1. Music industry and use of MIR in the production, distribution, consumption chain
    2. User profiling
    3. Validation
    4. User needs and expectations, evaluation of music IR systems, building test collections, experimental design and metrics
    5. Business models and experience
  10. Philosophy and ethics
    1. Developing MIR tools for non-western music
    2. Dealing with personalized user profiles
    3. Epistemological and methodological foundations

Submissions: (back to top)

Submissions can be done in the categories of long paper, short paper, poster/demo, tutorials, panels and exhibits. All submissions to ISMIR 2004 will be handled in electronic format. They are brought in through the submission web page, where you can also download templates for MS Word and LaTeX.

Deadline for submissions of tutorials and panels: April 26th 2004.
Deadline for submissions of long papers, short papers and posters/demos: May 12th 2004.
Deadline for exhibitor space: September 15th 2004.

Long Paper (back to top)

  • Long Paper submissions are not to exceed 8 pages (including references and appendices). Please format your paper according to the templates available on the submission web page.
  • Long Papers should include a 150-200 words abstract and a list of 2-5 keywords related to their content.
  • Submission must consist of original contributions (not previously published, and not currently being considered for publication elsewhere). The number of long paper submissions from one research group is limited to 2.
  • Accepted papers will be allocated up to 8 pages in the ISMIR 2004 proceedings and 30 min presentation time at the ISMIR 2004 conference.
  • Authors of accepted papers will be asked to provide camera-ready copies of their papers.
  • For each accepted paper, at least one author has to register for the ISMIR 2004 conference.

Short Paper (back to top)

  • Short Paper submissions are not to exceed 6 pages (including references and appendices). Please format your paper according to the templates available on the submission web page.
  • Short Papers should include a 150-200 words abstract and a list of 2-5 keywords related to their content.
  • Submission must consist of original contributions (not previously published, and not currently being considered for publication elsewhere). The number of paper submissions from one research group is limited to 3.
  • Accepted papers will be allocated up to 6 pages in the ISMIR 2004 proceedings and 15 min presentation time at the ISMIR 2004 conference.
  • Authors of accepted papers will be asked to provide camera-ready copies of their papers.
  • For each accepted paper, at least one author has to register for the ISMIR 2004 conference.

>> submission web page

Poster/Demo (back to top)

Poster/Demo provide an excellent opportunity for presenting preliminary or intermediate results, work that is primarily targeted towards a small subset of the ISMIR community, or presentation of research that is best presented as a demonstration.

  • Submission should consist of an extended abstract of 750-1,000 words (2 pages maximum, including a list of 2-5 keywords related to their content and references). Please use the templates available on the submission web page.
  • Accepted posters/demos will be presented at a plenary poster/demo session during the ISMIR 2004 conference; the dimensions of the poster should not exceed 841 x 1189 (mm) or 33.1x 46.8 (inch).
  • Authors are encouraged to bring laptop computers, or the appropriate equipment, to supplement their presentations.
  • Accepted posters/demos will also be allocated up to 4 pages for the written paper in the ISMIR 2004 proceedings; authors will be asked to provide camera-ready copies of their papers according to the template available on the submission web page.
  • For each accepted poster/demo, at least one author has to register for the ISMIR 2004 conference.

>> submission web page

Tutorials (back to top)

The day before the conference (Oct 10th, 2004) will consist of a parallel session of tutorials each concentrating on a single topic presented either at an introductory level or in depth, lasting 3 hours (plus a break). Proposals for tutorials can be sent via email to

Panels (back to top)

A roster of special panels is planned. These panels are meant to foster discussion on a specific topic of interest to the community, as well as real-world implementations and experience reports.
Submissions should consist of a 1-2 page abstract including:

  1. The topic and issues to be discussed.
  2. The intended and expected audience.
  3. Biography of the moderator(s)

The document should be sent as a pdf attachment via email to

Exhibits (back to top)

Throughout ISMIR 2004, space will be available for publishers, booksellers, software merchants, service providers, systems vendors and any other companies interested in exhibiting their products. More information can be found on the Exhibition page.
Deadline for full applications is September 15, 2004


Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual